If you have ever thought about working in theatre or just dreamed of being part of a big-stage performance, take a look at the message below from our Friends at Shax Theatre Group, HKU.

Dear Students,

We Want You!
We are a HKU-based theatre group called Hong Kong Shax Theatre Group and we are on the hunt again for our annual productions in the second semester! Following the success of our bilingual project earlier this year, we are once again staging two very different plays –1) The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespearean English) and The Merchant of Venice (Cantonese). We are on the look-out for students interested in drama in any form: as an actor/ stage crew/ props & sets team member/ costume & design artist/ make-up artist/ production manager/ stage manager/ graphics designer/ social media manager/ photo/videographer.

Interview/Audition Sign-up
If you are interested in The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespearean English), please fill in this form to sign up for an interview/audition: https://goo.gl/forms/qBhqRDbh3noufzWX2
If you are interested in The Merchant of Venice (Cantonese), please fill in this form to sign up for an interview/audition: https://goo.gl/forms/HweY0ZlWppApZYH92
For more information on both productions (i.e. dates, venues, plots), please visit this link: https://www.hkstg.org/join-us
1. Production and/or stage duties might overlap between both plays.
2. Please note that it is possible to audition/interview for both productions.

About/Contact Us
Founded in 2010, we are an established group of Shakespearean addicts based in the University of Hong Kong. With a mission to promote theatre culture to local youngsters by providing them with an out-of-the-classroom educational experience, a chance to hone literary and language proficiency, and participate in social inclusion, we bedazzle with an array of acting, dancing, singing, composition and live band play, alongside adaption to the modern 20th century. Our 2016 comedy The Two Gentlemen of Verona won Best Ensemble and Best Director at the Hecklers (hosted by HKELD). Our 2017 production Love’s Labour’s Lost won in the following categories: Best Show (Non-Musical), Best Ensemble, Best Director and Best Supporting Actor.
If you are interested in knowing more, you may contact Simon Sharma at +852 6682 5440 or email us at hkshaxtheatregroup@gmail.com.
You may also visit our:
Official Website: https://www.hkstg.org/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HongKongShaxTheatreGroup/
Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/hkshaxtheatregroup/

Hong Kong Shax Theatre Group

And in Chinese:


我們是一個名為香港莎士比亞戲劇團的香港大學劇院團體,我們今年再次為我們第二學期的年度作品做大招募!繼今年我們的雙語項目取得成功後,我們再次把兩場截然不同的表演呈現於舞台:《威尼斯商人》(中)和 《馴悍記》(英)。我們正在尋找有興趣以任何方式於舞台發展的學生:演員/後台人員/佈景與道具/服裝與設計/照明與聲響/化妝師/製作經理/舞台經理/ 平面設計師/ 社交媒體經理/ 攝影師及攝錄師。

如想要得到有關這兩個項目的更多資訊(例如日期,場地,劇情),請瀏覽此鏈接: https://www.hkstg.org/join-us

1. 兩場戲劇之間的製作和/或舞台膱責可能會重疊。
2. 可以為兩場表演都進行試聽/面試。

成立於2010年,我們是由一群莎士比亞愛好者設立的香港大學團體。為了向本地青少年提供戲劇文化經驗,為他們提供課外學習體驗,和磨練文學和語言能力的機會,參與社會包容,一起演出 ,跳舞,唱歌,作曲和現場樂隊演奏,同時改編成現代二十世紀的表演。我們的2016年喜劇《維洛那二紳士》 獲得了(由HKELD主辦的)the Hecklers 最佳合奏及最佳導演。我們2017年的戲劇《愛的徒勞》贏得最佳表演(非音樂),最佳合奏,最佳導演和最佳男配角五項獎項。
如果您有興趣了解更多資訊,請聯繫Simon Sharma (+852 6682 5440),或電郵至hkshaxtheatregroup@gmail.com
官方網站: https://www.hkstg.org/
Facebook頁面: https://www.facebook.com/HongKongShaxTheatreGroup/
Instagram頁面: https://www.instagram.com/hkshaxtheatregroup/

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